Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Square Peg

I'm still sort of ashamed of myself about the whole 'not wanting to teach' thing. I mean, it is really embarassing, uncomfortable, and downright painful having to explain to people that I don't want to teach and that it was a lot more that I bargained for, too much in fact, and maybe a little bit too small of a role, all at the same time. They look at me like I'm a quitter or irresponsible or something. I'm fully aware of how foolish and childish I look. People probably think I'll just change my mind about I always do about everything else. This is different. I know that teaching is not going to happen. I'm sure about this.

So what's Plan B? I guess it was never really Plan B in my heart. It was more of a Plan A that I repressed because I wanted to make everyone else happy and be a "respectable and contributing member of society with a real career". I am going to continue taking my graphic design classes and continue drawing and painting because that's what makes me happy and that is who I am.

Dare I say it? I am an artist. I was never meant for anything else. It sounds so silly to read those words out loud. I feel like a child saying "When I grow up I want to be an astronaut!" But, I guess some of the people that say that they want to be astronauts actually become astronauts when they grow up. This is no longer a childhood dream for me. I know how talented I am and I'm not going to waste it. Why can't anyone else see what I'm capable of? Why do people keep trying to force a square peg into a round hole just so they can feel better? I'm not afraid of my future so why should they be?

So for now? I keep working my day job in this gray corporate building. I pay off my student loans little by little. I keep working on my art, specifically my chess book and start looking for a publisher. My only option is to accept myself and use what God gave me and not repress and smother who I am and what I want for my life to satisfy other people's expectations.

And so, no one else is turning my screws but me.


  1. What an exhilarating post!!! Don't let anything or anyone stop you - I've watched too many people look back and "what if". My heart feels a little lighter, just reading your post (yes, from my own gray cubicle). It pays the bills, but it doesn't define me, and I know I raise eyebrows with the people who tsk-tsk my 'lack' of motivation. A 'career' doesn't motivate me...creating does. So glad I've found your blog.

  2. PS: wonderful, awesome drawings....

  3. Well put. I believe you and I are rowing the oars of the same boat! ;)
